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Damiana Tea

Damiana tea is a stimulating and mildly euphoric herbal infusion prepared from the dried leaves of damiana plant (Turnera diffusa) native to the United States, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America. It consists of tannins and alkaloids, which account for its medicinal properties and slightly bitter taste.

Damiana Tea

Damiana Tea

Damiana Tea

History and origin

In Latin American cultures, the herb has been traditionally used to arouse libido. Thousands of years ago, the Aztecs and Mayans consumed it to treat respiratory conditions and enhance sexual performance. In ceremonies, it was also burned to experience a spiritual dream or trance conveying a revelation. Historically, it has also been utilized to get relief from depression, nervousness, and anxiety. Its use was also considered helpful for improving digestion and treating constipation.

Damiana tea benefits

Resolves sexual problems

It works as an aphrodisiac that improves the sex life in women. According to scientific studies, taking an herbal blend of damiana, ginseng, and ginkgo might help women to lessen vaginal dryness, increase the frequency of orgasm, and improve sexual satisfaction. Drinking it on a regular basis assists in carrying an adequate amount of blood and oxygen to the brain, thus increasing physical as well as mental stamina.

For infertility

Preliminary results of studies imply that its regular intake is good for both the female and male reproductive systems, thus helping in solving the issues with fertility.

Aids weight loss

The anti-obesity effects of damiana tea were shown in some recent clinical studies. A decoction containing guarana, yerba mate, and damiana might assist those who are overweight in losing excess fat from their body.

Damiana Tea Photos

Damiana Tea Photos

Damiana Tea Images

Damiana Tea Images

As a relaxant

Because of the presence of apigenin (a bioflavonoid), the leaf of damiana has anxiolytic and sedative properties. Therefore, having it regularly helps to reduce the symptoms of mood disorders including hopelessness, sadness, emotional distress, lack of concentration, restless sleep, insomnia, and anxiety.

Some lifestyle factors such as excessive stress and lack of sleep can trigger headaches. This herbal drink helps to provide relief from these causative factors, thus making it useful for controlling persistent headaches. Its soothing effect on the nervous system also helps to treat an upset stomach caused by nervousness and stress.


Nighttime incontinence or bedwetting is a common issue in children that causes accidental passage of urine while sleeping. Numerous factors like hormone imbalance, urinary tract infections, chronic constipation, diabetes, and stress could contribute to this problem. A mixture of damiana and horsetail herbs is considered beneficial for its treatment.

How to make damiana tea

  • Take 1-2 teaspoons of dried damiana leaves in a vessel
  • Pour 2 cups of boiling water over the leaves
  • Cover the vessel
  • Steep for 10-15 minutes
  • Strain the mixture
  • Sweeten the drink with sugar or honey
Damiana Tea Pictures

Damiana Tea Pictures

Damiana Plant

Damiana Plant

Safety and precaution

Side effects

Taking damiana tea is safe, but overconsumption might cause convulsions. Those with diabetes should have it cautiously and monitor their blood sugar levels frequently since its intake might result in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

During pregnancy

As information is insufficient about its safety, its use should be avoided by women while pregnant. Breastfeeding mothers should also refrain from having this tea.

Damiana Leaf

Damiana Leaf

Damiana Leaf Tea

Damiana Leaf Tea

Where to buy

You can buy tea bags containing cut, sifted, and dried damiana leaves not just from the online retailers but also from the local tea stores.

Article was last reviewed on 23rd July 2021

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